देशभक्तों से ही देश की शान है,
देशभक्तों से ही देश का मान है,
हम उस देश के फूल हैं यारों,
जिस देश का नाम हिंदुस्तान है
आप सभी को स्वतंत्रता दिवस की
हार्दिक शुभकामनाए॥
😎 आज़ादी की कभी शाम ना होने देंगे,
शहीदों की कुरबानी बदनाम ना होने देंगे 🙄
🤔 बची है जो 1 बूंद भी लहू की तब तक
“भारत माँ का आँचल नीलाम ना होने देंगे |😋
😚 Vande Matram
🤔 किसी गजरे की खुशबु को महकता छोड़ आया हूँ,
मेरी नन्ही सी चिड़िया को चहकता छोड़ आया हूँ,
मुझे छाती से अपनी तू लगा लेना ऐ भारत माँ,
“मैं अपनी माँ की बाहों को तरसता छोड़ आया हूँ !”🤗
🤓 जय हिन्द 🤓
करते हे नमन: उन विरो को
जिनके नसीब में ये मुकाम आया हे
जवानी जिनकी शरहद पर
और खून का हर कतरा देश काम आया हे |
क्षुब्ध हे पूरा देश इन की शहादत पर
जिनको भारत माँ ने अपने आंचल में उठाया हे ||
शहीद विरो को शत: शत: नमन
“Jai Jawan Jai Kisan
There are some popular car insurance companies. We provide you here with different car insurance quote in detail:
Aviva car insurance
Their car insurance starts from £160, comprehensive car insurance insures you against the cost of accidents and damage. They provide courtesy car and windscreen cover. Policies available are Comprehensive and Third part Fire and Theft (TPFT).
Their comprehensive car insurance covers Loss or damage to your vehicle, your liability, Uninsured driver cover, Vehicle recovery, Driving other cars, Legal costs, Motor injury protection and Individual no claim discount.
The TPFT only covers Damage to your vehicle, Vehicle recovery and Legal cost. There are other optional addon like Breakdown cover, Foreign use, etc.
Direct Line Car Insurance
They provide cover towards courtesy car and windscreen. Comprehensive and TPFT policy types are available.
Their comprehensive policy includes used car replacement, Medical expenses, Uninsured driver promise, Personal belongings cover, In-car equipment, Windscreen damage, Repair work and New car cover.
Their TPFT policy includes Fire & theft, Damage to third party, Repair work, In-car equipment, 24/7 emergency helpline. They also Black box insurance for vehicles purchased after year 1996.
Co-op Insurance Car Insurance
They provide 70% no claims discounts. They provide only comprehensive car insurance policies with extra addon policies. The company also provides Black Box insurance. Whilst yours is being repaired by a Co-op approved repairer following an insured incident.
Along with Comprehensive cover the company provides extra options and tailored policies like Breakdown Cover, Enhanced Courtesy Car, Motor Legal Expenses Insurance (managed by Co op Legal Services), Extended Foreign Use.
They provide 24X7 accident recovery service including replacement of your keys in case your keys are stolen.
esure Car Insurance
They have 5-star defaqto rating.
They provide cover towards courtesy car and windscreen. Comprehensive and TPFT policy types are available.
Their comprehensive policy includes Legal liability, Driving other cars, Motoring legal advice line, Courtesy car, Windscreen cover, Guaranteed repair work, In car entertainment.
Their TPFT policy includes Motor Legal Protection, Breakdown Cover, Car Hire Benefit, Personal Injury Cover, Key Cover, Misfuelling Insurance.